Saturday, March 19, 2011

Technology - or lack thereof...

With the recent happenings in Japan and other natural disasters we've witnessed in our lifetimes it's important to always be prepared. Now, I am not saying anything bad is going to happen to you and I wish nothing does...but it would be foolish to pretend that nothing COULD happen to you or your family so you should definitely be prepared.

I have a saying I use a lot: better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

That couldn't be more true in regards to preparedness for a natural disaster or other calamity that leaves you to depend only on yourself, not the government or anyone else.

Ironically, the very government that we've all come to depend and heavily rely on has this list of items to keep in your "kit" or as I call it, your bug out bag:

1- Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
2- Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
3- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
4- Flashlight and extra batteries
5- First aid kit
6- Whistle to signal for help
7- Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
8- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
9- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
10- Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
11- Local maps
12- Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger

Additional items that you might want to consider:
1- Prescription medications and glasses
2- Infant formula and diapers
3- Pet food and extra water for your pet
4- Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container
5- Cash or traveler's checks and change
6- Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container. You can use the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) -  developed by Operation Hope, FEMA and Citizen Corps to help you organize your information.
7- Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information from
8- Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate
9- Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate
10- Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners
11- Fire Extinguisher
12- Matches in a waterproof container
13- Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
14- Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
15- Paper and pencil
16- Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

"You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water, and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least three days. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it might take days. In addition, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, and telephones may be cut off for days, or even a week or longer." - Ready.Gov/FEMA

One glaring omission on their list is a firearm or two, and plenty of ammunition.  You didn't see any looting in Japan but I can guarantee you there would be in most parts of the United States.  There is no better way to protect yourself, your family, and your property from criminals than by exercising your 2nd amendment right to bear arms.  You know that shit has hit the fan (SHTF) when you dial 911 and no one picks-up. Stay safe and good luck!


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